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Regular hours Monday to Friday; Talented and supportive team; High level of integration between employment and training opportunities; Working in...


AUC18402 Requisition #

We are seeking a qualified General Surgeon to work within our Hepatopancreaticobiliary (HPB) Service in Auckland, New Zealand as an HPB Fellow,...


AUC19506 Requisition #

Please ONLY apply for this position if you have been allocated by RANZCOG to the Auckland Region. Please note that whilst you have been allocated...


AUC19387 Requisition #

These positions are in the regional training rotation programme with Te Whatu Ora – Health New Zealand Auckland Region Districts comprising Te.....


AUC18576 Requisition #

​​In order to undertake locum shifts within the Auckland region Districts you will first need to successfully apply for locum registration and be...


AUC18523 Requisition #

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Auckland Doctors and the NRA

The Northern Regional Alliance Ltd (NRA), supports your House Officer or Registrar medical career from initial employment through your training to become a Senior Medical Officer, and is your gateway to employment in the Auckland Region.

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